Friday, May 14, 2010

Irony Is Not Dead...It Just Haunts the Past Decade

Despite Maxine's dogged commitment to hard work and repugnant aversion to web-surfing, she was able to (idly) search, locate and send this gem. Not unlike the evolution of our own species (and yes, Kaitlin, humans did evolve) the modern day Williamsburgus-Hipsterus can also trace its genesis back to a crouching, hairy creature. O! What simpler times they were when humans were monkeys and hipsters were Emo's.

This picture graph is super funny, but it would probably take less time to just make a quick flip book of choice ensembles from the last few Urban catalogs. Also, why are they all smiling? Hipsters don't fucking smile! They casually grimace and shrug their tiny be-plaid-ed shoulders...but like, at everything. Behold:

"Hey man, want to grab a vegan burger and totally distress these expensive cruelty-free jeans I just bought with my dad's emergency credit card?"


"OMG! The Ikea bed you lofted is ablaze and the fire fighters wont enter the premises because they said if they hear Paper Planes one more time they'll be moved to violence!"


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