Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Things I Hate

Just got back from a seriously amazing vacation (pictures will be posted as soon as the internet allows me to upload them.) Speaking of the internet, it's ruining other aspects of all our lives.

Apparently the OED will no longer go to print. The comprehensive, unabridged, tangible evidence of our mutt language will begin phasing out, and soon only be accessible online. OED's are by no means cheap, but the going rate for a membership to our words is currently 240 pounds/year. On Amazon you can find the 20 volume set for $900. You'll purchase the equivalence of a new set every three years and have only a username and password to show for it.

OED's are meant to be displayed and perused, not brutally condensed into yet another forgotten corner of the internet. I think this marks the official fall of print... when newspapers and books went online the future of print was dubious. Now that the flagship key to our language will never again be leafed through by curious fingers, it's all over.

Goodbye, OED. I hope one day I am rich enough to pay your annual fee.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Things I Love Today

Hard work.

Sunsets that look like sunrises.

Dual-purposed dock bars.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I stopped eating carbs on Monday and I think its making me lose weight in my brain. I've tried writing posts but nothing is meeting the high literary standards we here in the Bonnet demand.

Thusly, I leave you with an illustrated portrait of the non-symbiotic relationship I enjoy with two of my favorite men.